Sunday, November 05, 2006

SAEE : Policy Watch : Promoting Teacher Quality

SAEE : Policy Watch : Promoting Teacher Quality: "Promoting Teacher Quality
Katherine Wagner, Fall 2002

New research clearly correlates what teachers know and do with student learning. The value-added studies of Sanders and other researchers have been able to isolate teacher effects, independent of external variables such as socioeconomic status of students. With this new knowledge, student achievement can no longer be explained simply as a result of student and/or school characteristics. This has resulted in a heightened interest in teacher quality. "

Analyzing Change in Education

Analyzing Change in Education:

"Analyzing Change in Education (ACE) is a national education survey project launched in January 2005 as a research initiative of the Society for the Advancement of Excellence in Education.

The initial phase of the ACE project was a baseline survey of over 4,000 Canadian parents and teachers on a wide range of education issues conducted in June 2005. A preliminary report published in November 2005 formed the basis of a series of stakeholder dialogues across Canada. A final edition of the report was released January 2006.

The raw survey data has been archived for access by other researchers upon application.

Further analysis of this data and sub-reports of a regional and topical nature are anticipated as well as follow-up surveys."