Sunday, February 19, 2006

:::Fédération des commissions scolaires du Québec::: Statistiques concernant le decrochage scolaire

Quoi de neuf ? - Fédération des commissions scolaires du Québec:

"Statistiques encourageantes concernant le décrochage scolaire

Selon un nouveau rapport de Statistique Canada, le taux de décrochage au secondaire a considérablement diminué depuis le début des années 1990. Les filles ont fait plus de progrès en cette matière que les garçons et le taux de décrochage chez les élèves qui vivent dans les régions rurales et les petites localités demeure plus élevé que dans les régions urbaines. Le rapport indique, qu'au Québec, les taux de décrochage ont atteint plus de 10 %, en moyenne, au cours des trois dernières années. Cependant, ces taux ont affiché une baisse par rapport à leur niveau du début des années 1990, alors qu'ils oscillaient entre 16 % et 17 %.

22 décembre 2005"

:::CEA::: Focus on Literacy

Canadian Education Association:

What is literacy in the knowledge age? How do children, youth and adults become literate? Discover the research, the policies and the practices that support literacy in Canada.

"Literacy is a serious public policy issue in Canada. The country lacks a national strategy to address the social and economic consequences of low literacy levels. This is particularly important for vulnerable groups. The Canadian Education Association offers its strategy for literacy in this policy brief."

The Promise and Problem of Literacy for Canada: An Agenda for Action

:::Colloque::: And what are you reading?

And what are you reading?:

The Colloque national sur le livre et la lecture will take place on April 3 and 4, 2006. The objective of the conference is to increase awareness among elementary and secondary school staff, educational consultants, librarians, documentation technicians and volunteer parents of the essential role that reading plays in young people’s success.

Participants will receive the pedagogical support they need to adopt effective pedagogical strategies and to fulfill their role as mediators, guides and cultural brokers. The conference will also facilitate the sharing of experiences related to books and reading and the pooling of resources that participants can reuse in their schools.

Finally, this event will make it possible to establish partnerships among the various stakeholders so that the best possible resources are available to students.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

MARCH event CIIA: Development and Global Inequality

Canadian Institute of International Affairs - 2006 CIIA Youth Symposium: Development and Global Inequality:

Action: Verify themes, prepare abstract, consider topic for presentation, and look into sponsorhip as per previous years

Look at a) and c) particularly

Wednesday 8 March 2006 12:00-6:00pm
Hyatt Regency, Vancouver

The Canadian Institute of International Affairs’ (CIIA) annual Youth Symposium brings together students and young professionals from across the country and young Canadians studying abroad to present, discuss, and debate their research and ideas on a topical international affairs issue in an environment of academic peers. The Youth Symposium is held in conjunction with CIIA’s annual National Foreign Policy Conference (NFPC) with symposium participants being offered travel and accommodation subsidies in addition to complimentary NFPC registration.

The 2006 Youth Symposium focuses on Development and Global Inequality and consists of three consecutive panels:

(a) Poverty and Security;
(b) Governance, Conflict, and Natural Resources; and
(c) Canadian Development Policy

Each session is composed of three or four panellists presenting their papers with a moderated discussion to follow; all symposium participants take part in all sessions. Symposium participants are selected on the basis of paper abstracts or statements of interest submitted in late January and early February.

Please see the call for abstracts below for information on where to submit your abstract or statement of interest and for travel and accommodation subsidy details.

We are grateful for the support of Scotiabank, the 2006 CIIA Youth Symposium’s title sponsor, and Paramount Resources Ltd., the symposium’s gold sponsor. Their generous contributions allow promising young scholars to share their research, to engage in discussion and debate in a novel forum of their academic peers, and to establish academic and personal networks that would otherwise not have been possible.

FEBRUARY EVENT IDC Leadership Symposium

IDC Leadership Symposium:

February Event
Action: Potential for presentations of successful endeavours within context of school success/NANS

Implementation Design Committee
Date(s) 13/2/2006 — 14/2/2006

Description: The seventh annual Symposium is organized by the Implementation Design Committee (IDC). The mandate of the IDC is to support school communities across the province in the ongoing implementation of Curriculum Reform. The annual Symposium is the major event in this endeavour.

Audience: Consultants, School Board Administrators
School Principals, Teachers


Friday, February 17, 2006

:::CEA::: Price of Post Secondary Ed

Canadian Education Association: "AT ISSUE

KINJA the PDF on PSE below, permalink my kinja in blog links

At Issue is a new series that explores current areas of debate within the educational community and the general public. It appears simultaneously in our magazine, Education Canada.

Issue 1 - September 2005
Educating for Citizenship (PDF, 68 KB)
Gina Lorinda Yagos

Issue 2 - January 2006
The Price of PSE: The View from High School (PDF, 94 KB)
Philip Fine

Download Acrobat Reader."

Thursday, February 16, 2006

:::CEA::: Are students ready for a technology rich world?

Canadian Education Association: "February 07, 2006
Are Students Ready for a Technology-Rich World?
Results of an OECD Study

School students who are established computer users tend to perform better in key school subjects than those with limited experience or a lack of confidence in their ability to perform basic computer functions, according to a new OECD report. The study “Are students ready for a technology-rich world?” provides the first internationally comparative data in this area, based on OECD’s PISA 2003 assessment of educational performance by 15-year olds. It backs up previous OECD analysis about the importance of computers in schools.

Nearly three out of four students on average in OECD countries - and in Canada, Iceland and Sweden nine out of 10 – use computers at home several times each week. In contrast, only 44% use computers frequently at school. In some countries, the discrepancy between home and school use is marked: Germany has the lowest percentage of frequent computer users at school among OECD countries (23%) but a high proportion of frequent users at home (82%). The relationship with student performance in mathematics is striking. Students who have used computers for several years mostly perform better than average. By contrast, those who don’t have access to computers or who have been using computers for only a short time tend to lag behind their class year.

The results of the study are available as a full report or as a Powerpoint which summarizes the findings.

Full Report

Powerpoint Presentation"

:::CEA::: CESC-SSHRC Educational Statistics Conference

Canadian Education Association: "2006 CESC-SSHRC Symposium
February 21, 2006 - February 22, 2006
Victoria Conference Centre, BC

Look into the CSERI initiative

The fourth annual Canadian Education Statistics Council - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (CESC-SSHRC) Symposium will take place on February 21-22, 2006, at the Victoria Conference Centre in Victoria, British Columbia. At this year's symposium, the research teams funded through the second competition of the CESC-SSHRC Education Research Initiative (CSERI) will present their research on Learning Outcomes and Transitions. Participants will be asked to share ideas for effective dissemination of research outcomes among the policy and practitioner communities.


:::Canadian Education Association::: Teacher formation research

Canadian Education Association: "October 25, 2005
Professor Clermont Gauthier and the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante are the recipients of the 2005 CEA Whitworth Award for Education Research

In Calgary, on October 11, 2005, CEA presented the 2005 CEA-Whitworth Award for Education Research to Professor Clermont Gauthier and to the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE).

The Selection Committee, comprised of education researchers and other leaders in the field – including Dr. John Willinsky, the recipient of the 2004 Whitworth Award – was unanimous in its decision to present the Award to Dr. Gauthier and the CRIFPE.

Clermont Gauthier is full professor of psycho-pedagogy in the Faculty of Education at Laval University. He holds the Canada Research Chair in the Study of Teacher Training and is a member of the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante. With over two hundred written works, many of which have been translated into English, Spanish and Portuguese, and contributions to more than two hundred and fifty conferences, Clermont Gautier’s contribution to education through research is recognized in Europe, Brazil, Mexico and several African countries as well as in Canada.

The Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE) includes 95 full-time, associate and international researchers. It promotes collaborative research practices and methods that examine complex questions at many levels. It develops new avenues of research on teaching and teacher education. Four Canada Research Chairs are officially attached to the CRIFPE - Professor Claude Lessard, Canada Research Chair on Occupations in Education, Professor Thierry Karsenti, Canada Research Chair in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education, Pro"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

:::Leadership strategies::: Learning Communities


Leadership Strategies for School Success Part 2 - Create and Sustain a Learning Community in Your School

Date(s) 26/4/2006

Centre for Educational Leadership, McGill University
Presenter(s) John Cyr and Diane Fyfe have over 70 years combined experience in education. The synergy of their different personal and professional styles produces a powerful experience that is highly praised by participants in their sessions. Each has been a teacher, principal, director and Director General and so truly understands the challenges faced by school leaders.

Description Today’s schools are places where everyone is engaged in learning. They develop community of learners where the staff always strives to achieve the vision, mission, goals and values of the school in the most effective ways. Everyone knows what counts in this school. How does it happen?

This seminar will give you some insights and strategies to create and sustain a culture of a community of learners in your school.
Learn how:
• to make your school mission, vision and goals come alive!
• to involve all your partners; students, staff, parents and governing board
• to generate professional dialogue with your teachers
• to add value to the legal framework e.g. I.E.P.

Audience School Principals
Fee $195 Part 1 / $275 Part 1 & 2

Contact name Catherine Hughes
Phone 514-398-6961 Fax 514-398-4529

:::Anne Davies::: Organising quality evidence of learning

Conference Organizing for Quality Evidence of Learning
Anne Davies website

Date(s) 23/2/2006
Sponsor: McGill University Professional Development
Presenter(s): Dr. Anne Davies, a Canadian educator recognized throughout North America for her cutting edge work on classroom assessment, is the author of numerous books and articles on all aspects of assessment for learning and reporting on learning. Go to to find out more about Anne.

In this session Dr. Anne Davies will help participants think through ways to assess and collect evidence of learning with the ‘end in mind’ while ensuring that the classroom evidence collected is reliable and valid. This session leads participants through a practical process that builds teacher’s confidence while increasing the quality of the classroom collection of evidence of learning. Participants will leave with concrete ideas to use in their classrooms and ready to pioneer an education-related conversations in their schools.

Participants will consider:
- Ways to increase reliability and validity of classroom evidence of learning
- Strategies for collecting, organizing and selecting a range of evidence
- Involving students deeply in the assessment process to increase motiviation and accountability

Location Holiday Inn – Midtown
420 Sherbrooke St West, Montreal, QC H3A 1B4

Audience: Consultants, School Principals, Teachers
Level(s): Cycle II, Cycle III Secondary Cycle I - V
Registration Fee $195.00

Contact name: Donna Wilkinson
Phone 514-398-6961 Fax 514-398-7436
Event number 33065

:::IDC::: Implementation and Design Comittee

IDC Leadership Symposium conference link
IDC website

Implementation Design Committee (IDC)
Description: A committee composed of directors of instructional or educational services; delegates from organizations representing teachers, school administrators, private schools; and MEQ representatives.

To develop implementation models appropriate to the specific characteristics of the English sector; to plan, coordinate and ensure delivery of services to schools; to monitor implementation of the QEP; to create mechanisms for feedback and to report on progress.

Activities & Resources for School Teams:

- Professional development events (Leadership Symposium, conferences, etc.), sharing of best practices
- Reform Web site, which includes calendar of events, support documents, professional development resources; contact names and numbers
- Development of a program evaluation framework to assist schools in assessing their progress in reform and school improvement

Contact: John Ryan (Québec)

Web URL:

:::ECOO::: Home page

This is the website for the Educational Computing Organisation of Ontario. There are interesting sections on:

- blogging
- great literacy links

:::ECOO::: Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches

Educational Computing Organisation of Ontario

Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7-12

In Summer 2003, Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7 –12 was developed by a writing team, commissioned by the Expert Panel on Students at Risk (Literacy), to support teachers as they use reading, writing and oral communication approaches in their classrooms.

In Summer 2004, teams of subject experts wrote additional subject-specific examples to help teachers combine the teaching of reading, writing and oral communication skills with their subject content.

In Summer 2005, teams of subject experts again wrote additional subject-specific examples to help teachers combine the teaching of reading, writing and oral communication skills with their subject content.

The project was sponsored by:
(Council of Ontario Directors of Education)

The site offers many documents related to literacy, for download in WORD and PDF formats.

Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7-12

Getting Ready to Read: Gathering and Evaluating Information from the World Wide Web
Engaging in Reading:Computerized Graphic Organizers
Reacting to Reading: Responding to Text (Spider Maps)

Developing and Organizing Ideas: Authoring a Website
Revising and Editing: Peer Editing
Generating Ideas: Using Digital Images
Developing and Organizing Ideas: Webbing and Mapping

:::AQISEP::: Colloque sur l’approche orientante

:::Are they sponsorng the GOAL conf? Is THIS the GOAL conference?:::

Info about the 5e Colloque sur l’approche orientante

Conformément à la société qui se transforme et évolue, le monde de l’éducation vit à l’heure du renouveau pédagogique – et ceci est encore plus vrai pour l’ordre d’enseignement secondaire où la réforme prend effet cette année. L’ensemble de ces changements nous oblige à nous adapter aux nouvelles exigences de ce 3e millénaire qui nécessitent que nous passions de la
transmission de connaissances au développement de compétences. C’est pourquoi, le thème du

«Parce que le présent oriente le futur ! », est axé sur la réussite éducative par le développement de compétences transversales et disciplinaires.
Nous sommes maintenant passés de l’ère du savoir à l’ère du savoir-apprendre, du savoir-être et du savoir-agir. Dorénavant l’acquisition de connaissances n’est plus suffisante parce que les jeunes et les adultes doivent mobiliser, dans leur quotidien et tout au long de leur vie, une diversité de compétences.

Le Colloque 2006 sur l’approche orientante est donc un lieu privilégié pour prendre connaissance des approches novatrices, des nouveaux projets développés et des innovations en cours tant sur les plans théorique que pratique.

Gaston Leclerc, président de l’AQISEP et coordonnateur du Colloque 2006

AQISEP Boite a Outils

- Tools for the guidance approach school

- Lots of entrepreneurship links

This could be a good resource to have printed to be distributed, or, it could be good to post to delicious, to be made available online.